So I am almost 39 weeks. I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday where he checked my cervix. It is not completely closed off, so the doctor guessed that I would have the baby within the next week...let's see how accurate he is! You can guess with these things, but the baby is going to come on his terms.
I got a little nervous when the doctor made his guess because my mom isn't coming until Wednesday. I really want and need her to be there, so I'm hoping the doctor is off just a little!! That sounds crazy because most women at this stage of pregnancy are dying for that little one to come, and although I definitely want him to come soon, I want him to wait until my mom gets here! So now it's just a matter of time. I'm taking my moms advice and keeping my legs up and crossed to keep that baby in there!! Haha.
It's pretty crazy to think that in a matter of a couple of weeks I will be holding my little boy. It's always been something we have talked about as down the road, but it really could be any day now. It makes me very nervous, yet excited thinking about it. I just hope the labor and delivery go well!! The next time I blog, I will probably be a mommy!! How crazy!!
Here are pictures of me at 38 weeks: